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We're going to the ZOOOOOOOO~
Monday, September 23, 2013 | Posted by Janice | 0 comment/s
Super late post, but... Went to the Zoo during the 4 day long weekend in August!

When my sister was younger, we used to take turns bringing her to the zoo. Once she grows up more, she lost a little bit of the cuteness and everyone stopped bringing her.

Because D is the only one doting on her now (haha!), he decided to take her to the Zoo because the River Safari is not fully opened yet.

As usually, when we asked my sister, she would reply with an indifferent "anything". We know that she's actually squealing with happiness inside. So we made plans to go on a public holiday so that everybody is free!

We're going to the ZOO ZOO ZOO. How about YOU YOU YOU~

Super love this shot of Cheryl. I didn't give her time to pose properly at all!

Here's D and Benjamin squashed in the lift. It's nice to have a lift in the multi storey carpark though.

Finally reached the zoo entrance and.... THE QUEUE IS MADNESS!

We were about to give in and queue, when we suddenly saw this:

TELL ME. Why would anybody choose to queue for an hour for their tickets, when you can just purchase your tickets online and skip the queue? Unless you have some card discount... if not, I will strongly recommend people to just buy their tickets at the comfort of their homes, then show them the email attachment or print out the email attachment.

Anyway, Benjamin took his phone out and bought tickets.

While we're waiting...

We took a few shots... and...

Went to check out the convenience store over there.

The prices are ridiculously expensive. Everything is double the price.

After receiving the email from Zoo for our purchase (which took surprisingly long, around 20minutes?) we are finally in the ZOO~

The first animal we saw:

I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS THIS. Looks cute though.

When D and I went to Phuket this May, we saw a monkey snatch away a tourist's phone before, for fun. When asked to give the phone back, the monkey simply threw it on the floor.

So, whenever we see monkeys now, we will be especially careful of our phones.

Remember how I said that we use to bring Cheryl to the zoo very often? She's still very clear of what's where. We came to this bridge and she said, there're crocodiles down there!

We didn't believe her as we thought that it's just some man made stream, for aesthetic purposes. Turns out she's right!

We went to catch the elephant show... and has to stand as there're no more seats left.

Fierce Nana.

The elephants are so clever! Yet it's kinda boring really.

Went to KFC for lunch.

Of all places, the Zoo has such a small KFC outlet. It should at least be 2 storeys high, instead of one. We waited for quite sometime before we got a seat. Hastily finished our lunch (sadly there's no cheap snackers meal in there) and some of them went to get ice cream.


Happy Cheryl in the Zoo.
How can there be no selfies if I'm just waiting there?

Told Cheryl to take a picture for D & I. Turns out to be a really horrible picture:

Told Benjamin to take it for us and it's so much better. My sister's photography skills are really bad. Or maybe she's just short.

My boyfriend is too cute lah!

Of course, how can we go to the zoo without feeding some animals? We saw these small goats prancing around in the enclosure waiting for people to feed them some leaves and plants.

And they're really eager about it~

Hey there Handsome goat.

Off to the Snakes section! The snakes are always very mysterious looking... and as always, we will look out for any snakes' skin lying around in their enclosure.

Of course, there'd be the usual Harry Potter jokes on how we can actually speak to snakes.

I made Cheryl and D pose with the tiger statue. Cheryl's face is really last warning! HAHAHA.

Didn't want to bore you guys to death with animal pictures, so this post has a minimum of it. There's one place we actually stayed for quite long: the MONKEY's enclosure! The monkeys are just sitting down there, enjoying life, chasing each other around...

We just stood there and stared for at least 30minutes.

If only life could be that simple. :)